CrEAP is a user-friendly tool developed for the evaluation of the displacement of optical trackers on a membrane during the stretching.


Developed at the Research Center "E. Piaggio", University of Pisa, the freeware (and few images we used to validate the tool) can  be downloaded at this link. The source code can be downloaded at this link.


It includes:

·       An automatic loading system for image sequences and video record: for the image sequences, the software allows to declare the number of images to analyse, while for the video, the desired frame rate can be chosen, as a trade of between capability to follow the dynamic of the system and the computational cost;

·       Friendly interactive filtering graphical user interfaces, that enable both expert and non-expert users to prepare and optimize images to the analysis;

·       An easy tool for dataset record and analysis storage.

CrEAP is designed with an open architecture. This provides extensibility via Matlab scripts that can be implemented by users with programming knowledge for their own tasks.

For additional information, contact: [email protected]

In order to use the CrEAP as a standalone software, verify the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) is installed and ensure you have installed version 8.1 (R2013a). If not, download the Windows 64-bit version of the MCR for R2013a from the MathWorks Web site by navigating to A version of the compiler is enclosed in the software package.


CrEAP was developed thanks to funding from the MIND Project (Ingegnerizzazione di Modelli d'organo di interesse fisiologico e patologico per l'INdagine di Disturbi legati all’invecchiamento).  


* Users are kindly asked to cite the paper and the software source.