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Filters: Author is V. Chiono and Keyword is Bioengineering  [Clear All Filters]
E. PULIERI, Chiono, V., Ciardelli, G., Vozzi, G., Ahluwalia, A., Domenici, C., Vozzi, F., and Giusti, P., Chitosan/gelatin blends for biomedical applications, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH. PART A, vol. 86, pp. 311–322, 2008.
V. Chiono, Ciardelli, G., Vozzi, G., CORTEZ, J., Barbani, N., GENTILE, P., and Giusti, P., Enzymatically-modified melt-extruded guides for peripheral nerve repair, ENGINEERING IN LIFE SCIENCES, 2008.
V. Chiono, PULIERI, E., Vozzi, G., Ciardelli, G., Ahluwalia, A., and Giusti, P., Genipin-crosslinked chitosan/gelatin blends for biomedical applications, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE. MATERIALS IN MEDICINE, 2008.
G. Ciardelli, Chiono, V., Rechici, A., Sartori, S., Vozzi, G., Bignardi, C., Georgiev, G., and Giusti, P., Nanotechnology in Tissue Engineering, in Congresso Nazionale di Bioingegneria 2008, 2008, p. –.
C. Tonda-Turo, Chiono, V., GEUNA, S., Perroteau, I., Vozzi, G., and Ciardelli, G., Nerve guide for peripheral nerve re generation, 2008.
G. Vozzi, Chiono, V., Vozzi, F., Salvadori, C., Dini, F., Carlucci, F., ARISPICI, M., Burchielli, S., Ciardelli, G., and Giusti, P., Nerve regeneration using novel biomaterial supports, Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy , p. –, 2008.
G. Vozzi, Chiono, V., Vozzi, F., Salvadori, C., Dini, F., Carlucci, F., ARISPICI, M., Burchielli, S., Ciardelli, G., and Giusti, P., Nerve regeneration using novel biomaterial supports, in Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2008, p. –.
V. Chiono, Ciardelli, G., Vozzi, G., SOTGIU, M. G., Vinci, B., Domenici, C., and Giusti, P., Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate)/poly(epsilon-caprolactone) blends for tissue engineering applications in the form of hollow fibers, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH. PART A, p. –, 2008.
V. Chiono, Vozzi, G., and Ciardelli, G., Tissue Engineering: Roles, Materials and Applications, 2008, p. –.