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Filters: Author is A. Bicchi and Keyword is Robot Hands  [Clear All Filters]
A. Bicchi, Machine hand design for dexterity, robustness of grasp, and interaction with humans. 2001.
A. Bicchi and Kumar, V., Robotic Grasping and Manipulation, in Ramsete: Articulated and mobile robots for services and Technology, vol. 270, S. Nicosia, Siciliano, B., Bicchi, A., and Valigi, P., Eds. Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2001, pp. 55-74. PDF icon [PDF] (154.11 KB)
A. Bicchi and Kumar, V., Robotic Grasping and Manipulation, in Ramsete: Articulated and mobile robots for services and Technology, vol. 270, S. Nicosia, Siciliano, B., Bicchi, A., and Valigi, P., Eds. Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2001, pp. 55-74. PDF icon [PDF] (154.11 KB)
A. Bicchi and Prattichizzo, D., Analysis and Optimization of Tendinous Actuation for Biomorphically Designed Robotic Systems, Robotica, vol. 18, pp. 23-31, 2000. PDF icon [PDF] (207.67 KB)
A. Bicchi, Hands for Dextrous Manipulation and Robust Grasping: a Difficult Road Towards Simplicity, IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, vol. 16, pp. 652-662, 2000. PDF icon [PDF] (135 KB)
A. Bicchi and Prattichizzo, D., Manipulability of Cooperating Robots with Unactuated Joints and Closed-Chain Mechanisms, IEEE Trans. Robotics and Automation, vol. 16, pp. 336-345, 2000. PDF icon [PDF] (361 KB)
A. Marigo, Ceccarelli, M., Piccinocchi, S., and Bicchi, A., Planning Motions of Polyhedral Parts by Rolling, Algorithmica, vol. 26, pp. 560-576, 2000. PDF icon [PDF] (292.1 KB)
A. Bicchi and Kumar, V., Robotic Grasping and Contact: A Review, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, San Francisco, CA, 2000, pp. 348-353. PDF icon [PDF] (827.76 KB)
A. Marigo and Bicchi, A., Rolling Bodies with Regular Surface: Controllability Theory and Applications, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 45, pp. 1586-1599, 2000. PDF icon [PDF] (399.57 KB)
A. Bicchi and Marigo, A., Rolling Contacts and Dextrous Manipulation, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, San Francisco, CA, 2000, pp. 282-287.
A. Bicchi, Marigo, A., and Prattichizzo, D., Dexterity through rolling: Manipulation of unknown objects, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 1999, pp. 1583-1568. PDF icon [PDF] (676.11 KB)
D. Prattichizzo and Bicchi, A., Dynamic Analysis of Mobility and Graspability of General Manipulation Systems, IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, vol. 14, pp. 241-258, 1998. PDF icon [PDF] (858.53 KB)
A. Bicchi and Prattichizzo, D., Manipulability of Cooperating Robots with Passive Joints, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 1998, pp. 1038-1043. PDF icon [PDF] (685.06 KB)
